Nike N.354 Drop Type LX | Footwear Review

Nike N.354 Drop Type LX Footwear Review: Nike’s new department of experimentation recently released the Nike N.354 Drop Type LX in a stunning white shade. With a focus on bringing past prototypes to life with new elements, the Nike N.354 will be releasing some exciting products for the future. Here’s one of the first products.


Nike Far East Collaborations – Gyakusou Series

Nike Far East Collaborations – Gyakusou Series: Nike has had some collaborations with a few Japanese designers in the past including Matzu and the recent lineup with Jun Takahashi. I found these Nike lineups to be hidden in terms of not being as advertised as other editions in the past. The Gyakusou series seems really appealing and could be a nice competition for Under Armour to compete against this Fall 2012.