Discover the newest architectural art park from local Yunnan artist Luo Xu. The Ant Workshop (蚁工坊) located in Jianshui, Honghe Prefecture gives visitors in the region an opportunity and new angle to explore modern art.
Nendo Triangle Roomshoes: Not Your Typical Slippers
Your Typical Nendo Triangle Roomshoes: The new Nendo Triangle Roomshoes may look like your average house slipper at first glance. Functionality, comfort, ease-of-use. The Nendo Triangle Roomshoes nail it and have a much more technical upside than what your currently rocking around in the house.
Benjamin Von Wong’s Underwater River
Benjamin Von Wong’s Underwater River: “Hyper-real” photographer Benjamin Von Wong’s takes his experimental ideas to a Mexican “cenote” for the Underwater River Project. Posing as a Chinese Cormorant Fisherman, Von Wong’s surreal photography is something that is worth taking a look at.
Acronym Clothing – Modern Functionality from Germany
Acronym Clothing – Modern Functionality: Acronym, a German based technical and functional clothing brand that has quietly amassed a strong following for their unique apparel. A company that doesn’t believe in traditional forms of marketing and PR, Acronym has created a niche fashion category that continues to be successful. Take a look at their most recent clothing product video release and tell me you didn’t miss a single second of the fascinating clip.
Zim & Zou Hermès New Shanghai Store Window Displays
Zim & Zou Hermès Shanghai Outlet: Hermes has reunited ties with fellow French based design duo Zim & Zou on designing Hermès Shanghai retail outlet. With inspiration from the Museum of Natural History and Cabinet of Curiosities, the “Wunderkrammer” concept is sure to strategically bring in a new wave of curious luxury Chinese shoppers.
Inspirational Fashion. What connects you?
Inspirational Fashion: Every designer is unique. Every clothing brand is different. Every brand attracts and relates to someone different. How and why do you connect to a certain brand? Listen to these designers express themselves through their clothing and how they came to where they are with their respective clothing brands.
Daniel Agdag Steampunk Projects
N.B.K. Residence 2 by Bernard Khoury
N.B.K. Residence 2 By: Bernard Khoury: Beirut, Lebanon may not come across many people’s lists as possible living destinations, but the N.B.K Residence 2 may change that perception. Designed by the talented architect Bernard Khoury, this penthouse is one you’ll surely find yourself drooling over as it sure is a beaut.